Friday, April 27, 2012

First day on the job 04/25/12

My first day on the job went rather well I believe. I did kind of cut it a little late getting finished, but I don't think I myself should be to blame. My job is a domestic wrapping clerk at the REI(Recreational Equipment Inc.) shipping werehouse in Sumner. My job as a DWC is to be responsible for accurately processing the maxinum number of Direst to Consumer orders without jeopardizing the quality of the packaging. What that means is that plastic creates called totes will come to my station via converyor belt. I then scand the tote into the computor which finds out what should be in it. Now normally to save on space, the totes have these cardbored dividers to seperate each order, but this is not always the case. I scan the iteim(s) from the tote and the computer finds who ordered said iteim(s) and prints me off a label and a recipt. Then I pick either a box or a plastic bag to put the iteim(s) in and sometimes they require a different kind of box and/or bag for priority mail. After picking the box with the right size I then tape the bottom end with a little device that helps me know what length I need. After taping the bottom end, I then put the recipt in first and then put the iteim(s) in. Some iteim(s) require having some packaging paper inside for safty. After putting the order in, I tape the box shut, put the shipping label on, and then I put the package on another convyor belt where it will go to another station. So that is what I did on my first day on the job and hope to do again for another 3 weeks. Below is a picture of my work station followed by a link to REI's website. See you until next week!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

All About Me

I was born on May 17th 1991 at the Good Samaritan hospital in Puyallup. I have been living in Orting for my entire life along with my parents, Larry and Jada. I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at age 3. While autism has given me an ability to take in great amounts of information, it has also caused me to be sub-par at such subjects such as math. After graduating from high school in 2011, I enrolled in the ACHIEVE program at Highline Community College.

My work history has included many libraries’ including the Highline College Library and the Washington Soldier’s Home library. I am going to be in an internship at a warehouse in Tacoma for one month. My hobbies include collecting issues of the Seattle Gay News, reading books, collecting fan-art from around the web, and playing various games both video and internet. According to the most recent political spectrum quiz that I have taken, I am a left social moderate with also being a light non-interventionist and culturally liberal. I know how to use PowerPoint and public transportation. My dream job is to work at The Walt Disney Company as a writer and producer of movies, television shows, video games, rides, and more.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog updates for college project.

Well friends, forces beyond my control are forcing me to regulary update this blog for a college project. Part of the project will require a web-based platform and this blog just fits the bill. I have a real good idea on how to make this project work, but it will depend on a few factors so don't expect anything big right away. I'll be sure to infrom you as soon as I get more info. Until then, sayonara!